Unban Request
Your name: [FL:RP] Conn; ID: STEAM_0:0:11409226 

Your ban ID: 57543 

Banned by: [FL] Sir Crow 

Reason: BRA (56162) - FailRP, FearRP (Extended due to current ban) 

Involved: Wood
                 Von Tempski

Why we should unban you: 
Have you ever felt the sensation of driving your old beaten up car down the City Streets? You see stores, but not stores ran by an NPC, stores ran by two players. The Store may be called Subway, or Sony. Maybe you go in, its Sony, you get a TV or a Phone. Or its Subway, and you see a full line to pick what you want on your sub, you pay only $9 to the cashier and you walk out with your bag. Then maybe you go to the gun store in the back of the city, the truck doors open with the push of a button and an array of weapons appear. A smile lights up on your face as you straighten your tie, which you just ironed in your penthouse apartment, and test out the weapons. Examine the mechanics, look down the sights. You would out with a case of ammunition and sporting a large rifle.

You meet people, men in rags trying to jump through windows. People in suits, don't get close to the guys they surround. Because those are Private Mercenaries, trained in formation. What you see is a living, breathing, dynamic, and totally interactive world that you can have a massive impact on.

Sometimes, the impact is a little too much.

You know when a man is on a bridge and he holds a gun to a loyal police officer, what can a leader do but pray to the lord? He can have 4 heavily armed assault units surround him from every angle. Two on either side, two on an elevator ledge. He's exposed, he's a clean shot. The Hostage would go totally unharmed.

And that's exactly what happened. So what did I have to fear, Wood? When you are shot in the head, you don't have that last reaction to shoot the hostage. You were just shot in the head. 3 times. By 5.56mm and 7.62mm rounds. One bullet went down into your skull and two intersected through your brain. You certainly weren't backed into a corner where only a lucky or expert marksman could have eliminated you, again, there was nothing to fear. So I didn't break FearRP.

Furthermore there was a stage of apology and compensation. I fully recognized the confusion within the situation so I offered 2 things. One, discussion, though no one but myself wanted to talk, they only wanted to take their vengeance to the forums. Which is ridiculous. Why would you want someone to get banned? Do I stutter, do I fail to recognize FearRP? Obviously not. 

I could make argument after argument but I want to get to the conclusion and to the point I found inside the lines. Where the ink dripped down the page was a hidden message.

A ban is punishment for breaking the rules. Rules are set to create a fun, safe, and effective environment. But how do you get the rules to the player and the sometimes required ban? You need an administrator. Zecon offered to end your raid outright. Here are my thoughts on this, which I said in a tl;dr version to Zecon.

Quote:"Sometimes players do incorrect things with the mindset what they are doing is correct. However, they are still wrong and end up being punished. I believe this is unnecessary and for that I will forgive such a mistake and allow the player to continue, just so no one gets upset, confused, whatever the case may be."

And I proceeded to be the one stabbed in the back. What did I do to you, Wood? Nothing, absolutely nothing. We just talked on steam yesterday about working TOGETHER upon my return. So obviously you would realize that I in no way was not understanding of you know, FearRP. One of the most fundamental concepts of Roleplay. I mean you realize it was -BASIC- logic to kill you? I outplayed you, if anything you should be the one fearing the people that had weapons on you before you even knew where we were. Which of course, I wouldn't try to record a video, and take screenshots, and take time-stamped chat logs of every little thing you do, that's too much work for someone who already has MORE then enough to deal with, especially at my age. Trust me, you'd think I'd enjoy life and not be responsible for half the shit I am. And it also takes the fun out of playing a game. 

So in conclusion, of what is hopefully a well-put together summary of the situation and the inarguable logic used on my side of it, I hope my ban can be lifted and we can all be friends. Because there isn't a reason otherwise, "rules aren't rules." the purpose behind having rules, is the purpose behind having rules. When you can comprehend that life will be a lot simpler, let me tell you.

Hope there is no ill-will,
~ Conn.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by Marx - 01-04-2015, 03:53 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Wood - 01-04-2015, 04:02 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Marx - 01-04-2015, 04:19 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Wood - 01-04-2015, 04:26 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Marx - 01-04-2015, 04:30 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Wood - 01-04-2015, 06:33 PM
RE: Unban Request - by SirCrow - 01-07-2015, 12:11 AM
RE: Unban Request - by SirCrow - 01-09-2015, 03:28 AM

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