Report: melanie
Report: Breaking Tools/Props Rule #8

Name of player: melanie

SteamID: I can't find it. There's too many melanie's.

Time in GMT: N/A Long time ago when I was new to the server

Server: v2d

Summary: I was applying to join their group which was called the DCX until I saw that they were building on the rooftops and basing there.


[Image: VkIdyNd.png]

[Image: Qkx3LKU.png]

Messages In This Thread
Report: melanie - by Jericho - 01-04-2015, 12:38 PM
RE: Report: melanie - by MacTavish - 01-06-2015, 04:44 PM
RE: Report: melanie - by beflok - 01-06-2015, 09:34 PM
RE: Report: melanie - by Pinky - 01-07-2015, 10:04 PM

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