Report: russia bresiden | Conn | Faces | RumpeSniffern
This isn't even an issue, this was brought up with Zecon, and I wasn't punished or told I did anything wrong.

There are you a few things you need to know.
  1. You can only blame me for this, if I gave the order. Not that there is anything to blame, nothing was done wrong.
  2. You were totally exposed on the bridge, I had people on every angle, the hostage was unharmed and we knew that, so we shot. How is that breaking FearRP? It wasn't like there was no other way to kill you without injuring or killing the hostage, in which case, then, we would fix this. Not that you would.
  3. Zecon was going to end your raid, I told him not too, I did this for you, because I know how you felt, and this is how you repay my kindness? What a dick move.
  4. You constantly threatened me and others with 'recording' or 'banning' or 'posting a request' or, calling 'an administrator.' Then you private messaged me in an attempt to threaten me Then, you saw that wouldn't work, and tried to smooth it all out.
I look at this as a personal attack, on me and others who gave you a chance to try, giving you freedom from a rule. And you took that and ripped my trust and kindness to shreds. And for that I have 0 respect for you.

I have a video of this, but he has the exact same one. But I'll put it here anyways, because it's 60fps.

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RE: Report: russia bresiden | Conn | Faces | RumpeSniffern - by Marx - 01-02-2015, 04:27 AM

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