[Unofficial] Mist Security Corporation
OOC Information

Steam name: Razz
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:73513458
Age: 13
Hours: 404
Bans: 5
Blacklists: 11
Define your english from 1-10: 7 (I am Swedish but good at English)
Define your RP skills from 1-10: 6
Do you have 50+ hours of playtime?: Yes

IC Information

Name: Hector 'Razz' Bretsky
Age: 38
Weight: 97 kg.
Adress: 6, Lake, Evocity.
Why do you want to join MSC?: I want to join a security company that knows how to deal with their business and knows how to take care of things. I have once hired MSC and I was very impressed of their work.
Why should MSC choose you?: I am loyal. I don't mess around while working, I am there to protect a specific person or location and I will do it. Nothing else.
What advantages can you bring to Mist: I will bring another armed member to the company. I will also bring ammo and guns to the company if it is required as well as my combat skills.
Sign: Razz

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mist Security Corporation - by Jordy - 07-19-2014, 03:37 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Mist Security Corporation - by RaZZ - 01-01-2015, 05:14 PM

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