Report: CapybaraZech
Player: [FL:RP] CapybaraZech

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33631470

Time in GMT: december 30th 23:09 (or so, around there or before)

Server: V2D

Summary: Basically i'm president and I post the laws and go about being pres for a few minutes. I barely manage to place laws on speed limit, drugs and jaywalking fine. i then get a pm that states the following,"Higher the speed limit. this is your only warning." I then respond with, "Or what?". He then sends another pm that states,"I can raid you for not listening to my warnings". Just to make sure the is no misunderstanding i only got that one in the beginning, so why he made "Warnings" plural i do not know. Right under that in the following screenshots can you see me informing him that you can't raid for the speed limit. I was still responding to the last PM when there were two guys up to me with shotguns(Note: i was on the Nexus top floor, how he got there so fast i do not know, see bottom screenshot). I know i had shitty security but i didn't expect to get raided since i had given no reason to.
My reasons are however not his bad choice of form but how he justified raiding the Nexus for a speed limit. The 6. rule of Mafia/Rebel states clearly that, and i quote,"Do not raid the president just to earn money or because you don't like speed limits or high taxes - get good reasons first. Even then, violence must always be a last resort.".
He did just that, raided for speed limit, but his excuse was that he gave me warnings that i ~Ignored~.
To top everything off i do believe that he was a citizen at the time of the raid, so i'm going to ask the admins to check the logs if he had a custom job, as i believe that you are required to do so in case of raiding.
In the end on the top floor we used voice-chat and that's where i also informed him about his wrongs, but to no luck.

There was another person involved but i decided not to do anything since i did catch a name or anything, he was a citizen too.

Point is, I got raided after being in office for 10-5 minutes for setting a speed limit(which i had a rp reason for).


Me setting the Speed limit Law
[Image: TVkwcma.jpg]

Me receiving the PM
[Image: bWU3T2R.jpg]

Me asking back and him right under the highlight threatning me without me doing anything
[Image: WiYRe7T.jpg]

His PM where he includes the Excuse
[Image: bSC38Lm.jpg]

Me claiming that i did respond
[Image: Mx7tq4S.jpg]

Him tying me up
[Image: iPF8PKO.jpg]

Him murdering me on the top floor
[Image: t1uCnxN.jpg]

P.S. can admin check how long i was pres and get back to me? gotta be my shortest term Smile

Messages In This Thread
Report: CapybaraZech - by Eversor Regalis - 12-31-2014, 10:44 AM
RE: Report: CapybaraZech - by livkx - 12-31-2014, 03:52 PM
RE: Report: CapybaraZech - by Eversor Regalis - 12-31-2014, 05:46 PM
RE: Report: CapybaraZech - by SirCrow - 01-01-2015, 03:08 AM

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