Ban Request on much people, about 3
I dont believe it. You guys still think you were cops? You were citizens! You had no rights to get into my house. Now i see the warrant, didnt realy notice it. But this warrant is for cops and not for citizens. I also cant run arround and go into other houses with a cop. Imagine i would use my brother as a cop. He makes the warrant gets in with me, and i shoot everyone down and kill everyone. That does not work. Thats fail rp. And you did this. You had Kills together. Maybe that one kill was ok in corleon village, but you were not allowed to teamplay with a cop or even take through the search warrant with the cop. If you want to be a cop, then switch to their jobs.
But the RDM at the tunnel is still up. I joined the server, fished at lake a bit and then i met you at the tunnel, where you forced me to do something and killed me. You were no cops, you had not the permission to act like a cop and you even had no reason to shoot at me or force me out of my car. As i said, imagine i would drive around and every single time i meet someone i force him out of the car or shoot him down if he doesnt listen. Thats RDM, because i have no RP reason for doing this, and against the rules. And you did this. Im done with that. Wait for an admin, or more involved players.

But i apologize that i said i had no search warrant. I realy didnt notice that because every time when i looked to the corner i saw my NLR Death Timer.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban Request on much people, about 6 - by Forgee - 12-29-2014, 03:31 PM
RE: Ban Request on much people, about 6 - by VeroloxLP - 12-29-2014, 05:19 PM

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