Please, unban Kenny McCormick
Your name: Kenny McCormick

Your ban ID: 52076

Banned by: [FL] Fultz 

I think he's now Drogas.

Reason: script to avoid AFK timer

Involved: - 

Why we should unban you: 4 months ago I wasn't unbanned, but I still remember how good this server was, so I finally decided to make my second request.

I didn't win any money from doing what I did (in fact I lost it), so I know I was a dick that day.

 I'm not even asking for a complete un-ban if that isn't possible, but for an expiration date for that ban. I don't even mind if it's a year, a month, of whatever, I've hardly ever played Garry's Mod since that day.

The other time this was ignored, but I wouldn't mind writing a translation into Spanish, I met a bunch of spanish-speaking people there, but rules weren't written in my language and it was quite annoying not to have a Spanish translation, which could leave to misreads or carelessly reading.

Please, unban me or give my ban a time, and please, if it can help, let me make a Spanish translation so people like me are more motivated to read the rules more carefully. I've known several people from Central America, South America and Spain that played or play FL servers, and the reason is obvious, you're the only CityRP, and definitely one of the best RPs in the whole game.

Sincerely yours, once again,

Messages In This Thread
Please, unban Kenny McCormick - by FJM8 - 12-27-2014, 09:22 PM
RE: Please, unban Kenny McCormick - by Fultz - 12-29-2014, 06:16 PM

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