Your name: [EX:M] Tyler

Your ban ID: 56319

Banned by: Console

Reason: Double Accounting to avoid ban

Involved: N/A

Why we should unban you: Well, this was a hole miss understanding. My friend Ryan Roe came round for the night because we was having a sleep over. i was on my computer and he was on my spare laptop, (johnmoto) This account has never been used on any gmod server. Anyway i have my own server so we was playing on that for a few hours but then shortly became bored. i told him to look for a server to play on and he decided to join this server not knowing what would happen. Well you might be wondering why i am explaining this so late after i was banned for this happening. Well honestly i thought i was done, that that was my last straw and any chances of me being unbanned were gone. I'm posting this UBR so that some of you can understand me and hopefully get this UBR accepted, even though i am already banned for 12th ban. I would like to try get this accepted so that i have a very slim chance of getting unbanned. i rally hope you understand this - Tyler Smile

Messages In This Thread
Haazey/Tyler - by Haazey - 12-24-2014, 10:07 PM
RE: Haazey/Tyler - by SirCrow - 12-27-2014, 04:58 PM
RE: Haazey/Tyler - by Haazey - 12-28-2014, 12:04 AM
RE: Haazey/Tyler - by SirCrow - 01-09-2015, 03:27 AM

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