Report: ben snipz, POOTISMAN, Forrest Gump, Festive Hoder vill rulle, WOLLABILA
Name of players: ben snipz, POOTISMAN, Forrest Gump, Festive Hoder vill rulle, WOLLABILA

SteamIDs: ben snipzSTEAM_0:1:79627037


                 Forrest Gump : STEAM_0:0:54764143

                 Festive Hoder vill rulleSTEAM_0:1:12850394
                WOLLABILA :STEAM_0:0:28529368

Time in GMT: 24/12/2014 2100-2125GMT (approx.)

Server: V2D

Summary:   At the time stated above, many people began to rulebreak, minge and aggressively drive. The following people were caught rulebreaking on several occasions, which I had recorded in snippets (due to PC memory and performance) as evidence:

                   ben snipz: - RDM - Attacking random people with a knife as a rebel

                                   - Abuse of knife, randomly knifing buildings, windows and objects.
                                   - FailRP - Buying irrelevant doors, changing 'Rebel Leader' job name to 'Song Man'

                                   - Asking to be placed upon KFC rooftop by a chef.

                                   - Prop abuse - Attempting to volley an EvoCity Radio entity onto the roof of the Bank of America. Seen by [FL:M]Raptor.

                   POOTISMAN - Randomly hostaging police in the streets as a citizen

                                       - Propblocking the door to BP with a barricade

                   Festive Hoder vill rulle - Jumping on dead bodies

                   Forrest Gump - Massive, intentional CDM, resulting in an estimate of 20 attempts.
                                        - Disconnecting and reconnecting to fix and regain vehicle

                   WOLLABILA - Punchwhoring ben snipz
                                      - Causing ben snipz to retaliate, thus promoting aggressive RP


Evidence: (Apologies for the 480p post, due to limited internet bandwidth. If you need any clearer sections of the footage, I am available)

Messages In This Thread
Report: ben snipz, POOTISMAN, Forrest Gump, Festive Hoder vill rulle, WOLLABILA - by §upra - 12-24-2014, 09:36 PM
RE: Report: Multiple Persons - by livkx - 12-24-2014, 10:09 PM

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