[FL:M] Raptor
I am involved as I was there when this specific event happened.  I'm failing to see where your point really is.  Moderator was testing out something with a fellow staff member.  Moderator was then tazed by a police officer because the officer thought it was a malicious attack jokingly.  Notice that the officer who tazed him wasn't banned for tazing staff while performing staff duties.

Laurenz and I went on a roof and tested the snowballs out as well as I went on the roof with Decay to test out another issue.  However I can also say that plenty of tests have been conducted in public placed.  "Santa" wasn't really involved in any role play at the time, there was no real disruption to any roleplay at the time, it was a test being conducted that frankly the server doesn't need to be warned that said test is happening as 1 : it's a staff test, 2:If you warn everyone they LOVE nothing more then to STICK THEIR NOSES where they don't belong.

I would like to take note that, quite frankly, your involvement in this case seems extremely irrelevant as the person whom gave you said evidence is posting on this thread.  Understand that lawyer RP is allow, but last I checked, unless said member is banned, there is no need for someone else to represent the case.  You could have done it the right way and formed the text the way you wanted it to look, had your "client" present the case, then have them formally ask to allow you to post on this case.  The current method of posting for someone who ISN'T banned off the forums to assist him with his case is in DIRECT VIOLATION of posting WITHOUT SUFFICENT RIGHTS.

Fact: Evidence Collected from GreeD
Fact: Equalizer was not present at the time
Fact: Greed is not forum banned
Fact: Junior Staff member was testing a system used by all staff members, with a higher staff member as the assistant.
Assessment: Equalizer isn't involved and GreeD should take the time to post his own case information.

So Equal, I'm interested to hear the explaination of why you are playing lawyer for this case.
GreeD, If you had a problem with said issue that you witnessed, there are plenty of channels that could have been used prior to this becoming an Abuse thread, although I do support your right to not use those channels in leu of using this one.  Personally I feel that other channels should have been used prior, perhaps collecting a statement of said staff member if only for documentation reasons.  Lets face it, this isn't the most polite way to conduct business but it's your right to do it.

Closing points: Equalizer was not present.  GreeD is not under forum ban and thus is fully able to post his own abuse case.  Moderator's use of no clip is irrelevant as 1: Players in no way dictate when staff is allow to use their powers and 2: A test would definately classify as an Admin situation.  If the staff member felt victimized or in any other way infringed against, wouldn't you come to expect that said staff member (of higher authority then the moderator being accused) would have taken the correct course of action to halt any further abusive activity.

In the future if you want to help your friend "win" a case, do it within the confines of the affore mentioned rules.  Build the case, correct it, advise them in the background, but don't try to take the "law" into your own hand and attempt to "Jesse Jackson" for someone obviously not interested enough to take the time to post how THEY feel about it.

Direct any replies you might have to my forum account my using the private message system.  Do not post here again as I am trying to help you avoid violating the forum rules again in the same topic.  Happy Holidays, I will be out doing IRL things for the next few days so please allow time for responses to any questions that the STAFF or people who DO HAVE RIGHTS to post here.


I understand that you have a problem with abuse.  I completely understand not tolerating it.  I do not understand why the collection of information suddenly stopped.  I do not understand how you are not in violation of posting without sufficient rights.  I do not understand why you felt that being a FL case Lawyer was allowed in any case other then the user you're working for has a forum account ban.


How to make an abuse thread:
First of all remember to use the template (you can find it at the bottom), this is important for us to figure out all of the information we need, without having to read a block of text for hours to find those information.
You are only allowed to write in an admin abuse thread when you are:

the accusing user

a witness or in any other important relation to the admin abuse thread, this includes players who have witnessed other situations in which the admin abused.
The reason we don't want everybody to post in the admin abuse threads is because the threads will be a big mess.
You are only ment to post in this section if there was an actual abuse of the admin, not if you want to get unbanned because there was a misunderstanding or anything similar.
Admins are not allowed to close threads about themselves.
Abuse threads will always be decided by the owner or the Super Adminis. All members of the staff are able to state their opinion on the abuse thread.
We expect our admins to tell the truth, if we find out about any lies, faked evidence or other attempts of twisting the truth the admin will be demoted immediately.


The following points are no abuse:
Banning you, even if you don't like the reason, make an unban request for this.
Administering unorthodox punishments, i.e. !slay.
Applying god mode to themself, even in a raid this may be needed for admin duties.
Noclipping/teleporting away from RP in event of admin situation.
Not responding to your @ messages immediately.
Admins may be busy or unable to respond or already checking logs but just haven't informed you yet.
Removing your props.
Sometimes this is necessary in order to keep you in line with the rules. Even if they remove a base in the middle of the raid, while it is a somewhat harsh move and he should remove all aggressors first, it is your fault for creating a doombase.
Refunding with a valid reason, either himself or others.
Muting you in OOC, it is often necessary.
The list goes on, but these are common complaints, and you should use common sense when making an admin abuse thread.

Messages In This Thread
[FL:M] Raptor - by equal - 12-22-2014, 10:02 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by Nyander - 12-22-2014, 10:23 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by Greed^ - 12-22-2014, 10:42 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by equal - 12-22-2014, 10:44 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by livkx - 12-22-2014, 10:56 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by equal - 12-22-2014, 10:58 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by Nyander - 12-22-2014, 11:01 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by equal - 12-22-2014, 11:06 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by Nyander - 12-22-2014, 11:13 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by livkx - 12-22-2014, 11:13 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by Nyander - 12-22-2014, 11:17 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by livkx - 12-22-2014, 11:17 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by Nyander - 12-22-2014, 11:49 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by equal - 12-22-2014, 11:55 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by livkx - 12-22-2014, 11:57 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by equal - 12-23-2014, 01:00 AM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by General Wickets - 12-23-2014, 05:04 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by Old Man Jokhah - 12-23-2014, 10:16 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by Marty - 12-23-2014, 10:51 PM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by equal - 12-24-2014, 12:58 AM
RE: [FL:M] Raptor - by Fultz - 12-24-2014, 01:03 AM

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