Bug: Doors not working correctly
Title of Bug: Bug: Doors not working correctly
Description: Since the fix for the bugged shutter and glass doors, all other normal doors that toggle open / closed are now bugged out.  If you open the door, then try to close it, the door will start to close, then immediately reopen. Server is v33x.
A temporary fix was found, the doors can be shut by holding E for about a second and releasing but it is still very unreliable.  This poses an issue of trying to shut a door, for instance, in a hurry before someone sees inside, if you have to leave to get someplace in any form of hurry, or generally don't want to have to attempt to close the door for 5-15 seconds depending on understanding of the issue.

Messages In This Thread
Bug: Doors not working correctly - by Old Man Jokhah - 12-21-2014, 07:29 AM

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