Report Binkadin
Name of player: Binkadin

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:22027439

Time in GMT:
I collected this evidence within a few weeks, so i cant realy tell you the correct time, i only can tell you the date: 

The first Situation where i made screens was on the 29th of november.
The second Situation where i made screens was on the 30th of november.

Server: v2p

Summary: So also, the summary isnt very short, because of the multiple situations. 

In the first situation, i met him and his friend Ethereal (who also likes to break rules) at industrial part of the map. They asked me wether im going to build a base here. I wanted to make it, but of course i said no to not let them know where i am. I said "no i just want to go afk for 5 mins, and i dont want to do it in the middle of the street". Then he drove away and i acted afk, because i somehow expected something to happen. After 20 seconds, he came slowly back, driving in my direction and not stopping. He ran over me and instantly drove away. Unfortunately i dont have that much screens, but it was the Ford Transit of him or his friend Ethereal. And they realy ran over me, and it was no accident, for sure!

The second situation is more rulebreaking. I was citizen and i was farming contra at mtl in this little room up in the skies. I tried to get a camera there, but i fell down. After i got up again, Ethereal and Binkadin followed me. After they were next to me, Ethereal tried to kill me by punshing me. Then he took out his knife and just randomly killed me. I made a screen of the Job list where you can see that Ethereal and Binkadin were the only corleons, so no doubt that they killed me.  After i died, my brother went out with a MP and killed them both. After killing them he wanted to steal Binkadins car, but they were corleons, so they spawn close to the mtl. They just came back and broke 2 rules of NLR. They revenge killed TripleMaster and came back to their death point. They took the lookpick of my brother and drove away with Binkadins car. You can see all this in the screens.
Later on that day they wanted to raid me randomly again, i bought the door in the middle of the city, and went in with some other people. Just minutes after buying it they came in with lockpicks etc, and randomly killed the chauffeur who just went with the gundealer callum1h3 to check the house. I didnt even place contra, so there was literally NOT A SINGLE reason raiding me and even killing someone.

Evidence: NOTE: 3 of these screens are made by my brother, so dont wonder when you see some diffrences.

[Image: dw3n6b1t9den.jpg]
[Image: 55yjlap2tavj.jpg]
[Image: pn5x1s5dx2uz.jpg]
[Image: pivuu9k3g7tq.jpg]
[Image: cpgyomgn8daa.jpg]
[Image: fhh72rxu2e8g.jpg]
[Image: 7pwrynliy6vr.jpg]
[Image: e1uq7z5otjtk.jpg]
[Image: fuhdw8hg44ez.jpg]
[Image: e9zcew5a486p.jpg]
[Image: 3slmz17herog.jpg]
[Image: 2chr9s6a42xl.jpg]
[Image: her3wsulpera.jpg]
[Image: 3f265z6bp1kv.jpg]
[Image: sgb1mf62mcw.jpg]
[Image: 13id86blvwwu.jpg]
[Image: vhdqw82zh1f3.jpg]
[Image: 4bf84xrvafq3.jpg]
[Image: yq69bm29gju8.jpg]
[Image: iip1jyg2mf.jpg]

[Image: x26lziu6mwty.jpg] Thats the only pic ill say something: I just told him this is going to be a permaban after all that shit he did, and he jsut said something like "I dont care this is not a perma ban anyways"

Here starts the second situation of the second day.
[Image: mp1bqebip5p.jpg]
[Image: emn332f6klwr.jpg]
[Image: aeofz5bik5ec.jpg]
[Image: udlmdwrcyexg.jpg]
[Image: cekecaw21rwp.jpg]
[Image: qtahznnjk1c.jpg]
[Image: q89uqda682h.jpg]

I wont describe every picture here. But just check the little things. For instance, he holds the lockpick in his hand my brother used to crack his car. Or in the death screen of my brother you can see the car of Binkadin, which he wanted to steal, but as i said he got shot by them again, while they broke the New Life Rule twice. 

I also now that im not the only one who complains about Binkadin and his friend Ethereal.

Messages In This Thread
Report Binkadin - by VeroloxLP - 12-07-2014, 12:46 PM
RE: Report Binkadin - by SpaghettiFTW - 12-08-2014, 08:19 PM
RE: Report Binkadin - by JackZ - 12-09-2014, 10:13 AM
RE: Report Binkadin - by SirCrow - 12-09-2014, 11:16 PM
RE: Report Binkadin - by beflok - 12-16-2014, 09:05 PM
RE: Report Binkadin - by James - 12-17-2014, 07:17 PM
RE: Report Binkadin - by beflok - 12-17-2014, 07:26 PM
RE: Report Binkadin - by beflok - 12-17-2014, 07:52 PM

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