Redz Unban Request
Your name: Red Eyez

Your ban ID: 56497

Banned by: [FL] Faustie

Reason: FearRP

Involved: A whole bunch of cops, dont really know their names, and SlimShady ( the rebel that stole my car )

Why we should unban you: Ok so what happened was some rebel stole my car, when I was in jail without being aware of that. Once I got out I switched to rebel ( still not knowing my car was stolen ).  Once I see my car in the city with the rebel , he was already going to jail. So I run up to my car , and try to repair it. Some civilians that had a contract with the president tried to arrest me , so I said in LOOC " screw that , this is my vehicle. ". He then replied, " I dont care, impound this car, make him pay 2 grand for it. " At this point im furious because Im about to get arrested , and have to pay 2 grand for something I didnt even do. I tried to call an admin, ofcourse noone came. So I decided to take things into my own hands ( regret that deeply now ) and get into the car and attempt to drive off ( breaking FearRP completely, assuming 2 wrongs do make a right ) . Then of course a admin appears, and bans me. If you're going to ban someone, please make sure its fair and ban those fella cops aswell. If not, then please give me another chance , I was really looking forward to playing today and I get banned within 10 minutes. Thank you for your time , and please put more than 30 seconds of thought into this.

Messages In This Thread
Redz Unban Request - by Redz - 12-07-2014, 02:37 AM
RE: Redz Unban Request - by SlimShmoney - 12-07-2014, 03:09 AM
RE: Redz Unban Request - by SirCrow - 12-13-2014, 04:32 AM
RE: Redz Unban Request - by Faustie - 01-27-2015, 11:56 PM

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