Welcome to OrbitWatch International or simple OWI, ( serious/semi serious RP clan) 

Info on OWI:
OWI or OrbitWatch international is an independent company that started in 2013 with the vision of one man, was to give the ability of orbital surveillance to all people on earth from the simple family mom and dad to the government, the military and the science groups that is on our earth. We have a cause and goals like must other company's but the key difference that makes the OWI unique, is our ability to detect and prevent/warn groups country's and governments from disasters, plagues and other situations that can destroy or destabilize them.
and all that thanks to our new technology by the code name "overwatch". 

The OrbitWatch international started on September 19 at 00:00 pm back then it was only an idea and after Ethan Cole (now CEO) contacted he´s friends and told them what idea he got, they all start working and after 3 months of hard work the first satellite was done. Then they used 2 months on testing it and after that contacted NASA to make an deal that will send they finish satellite up into space, a deal was made and "overwatch" was finally active and in space then after 5 months of doing work for NASA and research centers and university's all over the world. Soon after Norway and Sweden made a deal with OrbitWatch international that allowed OWI to make HQs in the country's, after many successfully jobs for the 3 country´s the other groups other country´s started to ask for OrbitWatch international´s help even the US- and the UK army asked, OWI to help with CT missions witch made a lot of money to the company. Now a new Chapter starts in OWI and that is EVO CITY where the CEO now has made the HQ and are looking for members.

Our Goals:
* is to expand our area of operations to Evo city and more we have already a department in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
* is to attempt to add more satellites to our already medium size fleet that's in orbit around earth, moon and mars.
* is to make long term deals with other research and science groups and to help them as good as we can.
* is to stay independent and true to our cause never make deals that will do more harm to the OWI then good.
* is to keep all our data safe and secure never let it fall into the wrong hands.

The Rules:
we have rules here at OWI they are listed below.
* we expect our workers to be 99% professional there is always time to have fun to make the teamwork better.
* be nice to you´re fellow co workers help where you can.
* never be afraid to ask the company CEO ( Ethan Cole ) if you need it.
* stay true to our cause and goals.
* never give or sell our data and research to people since that can harm the company.
* guards shall never fire first only fire if someone is firing on you first

Breaking The Rules:
if you break the rules above you will be punished.
* seen with weapons you will get 2 warning if you have not learn form them its out can have workers that damage the company (does not ably to guard).
* if security guards fire first and was not fired on he will be demote form he´s position but not fired.
* disrespect you´re CEO and you´re co workers you´re will be fired after 1 warning.

The Ranks:
here is the list of ranks in the OrbitWatch International.
2nd in command.
CEO Secretary.
Tech group member.
Research group member.
IT Guy.
Warehouse group member.
Group coordinator.

Members so far in the Evo city branch:
CEO: Ethan Cole
(more to come)

* you need to have some research and science knowhow.
* the will to help other.
* to work in teams and by yourself.
* to handle pressure if the time comes.
* to stay calm even in the most chaotic situations.
* that you meet to the meetings or send the CEO an pm (on the website) that you cant come and why
* stay true to OWI.
So If the OrbitWatch International is something for you then post a application as a post in this thread.
the application:
* name (steam + ingame ).
* why you want to join OWI and how you can help OWI to become big.
* what job/work you have done before
Our ingame logo:

Messages In This Thread
[CLOSED] ORBITWATCH INTERNATIONAL - by muggy - 11-13-2014, 09:47 PM
RE: [Recuting] OrbitWatch International - by Jan - 11-13-2014, 09:56 PM
RE: [CLOSED] ORBITWATCH INTERNATIONAL - by muggy - 11-18-2014, 03:05 PM

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