*FREE* Victorinox' Signature Emporium
First title: TheCasanova
Second title: Be the one who changes the game forever.
Theme: Inspiring, new, fresh, "BANG POW".
Fearless template?: Yes, please.
Additional notes: Tiger Woods HAVE to be in the front, Rory McIlroy & Bubba Watson being placed on each side of Tiger. If its possible, they could all fade into the backgound, like where they are completely visible from the head, and they fade away, the longer you go down, if you understand.
Image(s): This is the foundation of your signature. Your choice affects the signature in everywhere, so pick a high-quality picture.
Background: http://www.hdwallpaperbackground.com/upl...0x1080.jpg
Tiger Woods: http://www.hdwallpapersos.com/wp-content...-38636.jpg (if you could get the driver in with the picture, that'd be awesome!)
Bubba Watson: http://golfweek.media.clients.ellingtonc...o-thru.jpg
Rory McIlroy: http://wpmedia.golfwrx.com/wp-content/up...40x320.jpg

Messages In This Thread
RE: [FREE] Victorinox' Signature Emporium - by TheCasanova - 11-13-2014, 06:08 PM
RE: [FREE] Victorinox' Signature Emporium - by fieldy - 11-13-2014, 07:56 PM
RE: *FREE* Victorinox' Signature Emporium - by fieldy - 11-17-2014, 07:03 PM
RE: *FREE* Victorinox' Signature Emporium - by fieldy - 11-18-2014, 04:22 PM

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