Ban Request on Bloody Doritos
Name of player: BloodyDoritos

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:15757927

Time in GMT: Around 12:10

Involved: Katana, Doritos, Cap and a few other fokes around in the Slums.

Server: V2D

Summary: I'd ran around into Slums, and heard very loud AWP shots. I went around the corner and noticed Doritos standing there AWPing down the main street. He ran past me, and I couldn't help but notice his job title was "Citizen". Citizens don't just carry AWPs around and kill people, do they? Upon speaking to him, he wouldn't provide any reason as to why he did it and urged me to post a BR, so here I am. At 16 RPPs and over 1000+ hours, you'd expect the rules to be pretty well known by now, and such a basic one like this shouldn't be violated by someone with such experience.

((Note, his job was Citizen at the time of the AWPing, he then ran away and changed to Russian Spy)

Evidence: Sadly I didn't manage to grab screenshots, but I've been told the logs will show the last time /job was used, and it also shows he killed someone. I also have a screenshot with his job set to Citizen.

[Image: kaYRWDd.jpg]

[FL:RP] BloodyDoritos(STEAM_0:1:15757927)Killed: [VRS] Katana (STEAM_0:1:95267893) using weapon_mad_awp
Kind Regards,

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on Bloody Doritos - by Wood - 11-08-2014, 12:26 PM
RE: Ban Request on Bloody Doritos - by Burnett - 11-08-2014, 02:02 PM

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