BR 1 (2) lads.
Name Of Player: Teamleader katt med svans (
TGP|Airforever12 STEAM_0:1:49026801?)

Time:  No idea

Steamid: STEAM_0:1:8181784

Map = v2d

Summary: Well i was driving in v2d till i saw this mess, i stepped out to check what was going on, i saw a supra that stopped and a dropped body along the road, i assume the ambulance was pushing him causing him to drive over the rebel, but then the supra drove back and ran over 2-4 bodies, if you can see, there were a few bodies standing on the side of the road, all of them were ran over.


Messages In This Thread
BR 1 (2) lads. - by [FL:RP] Ouass - 10-30-2014, 02:16 PM
RE: BR 1 (2) lads. - by GeorgeTheBoy - 11-02-2014, 04:47 AM

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