Ban Request On H20 and Michael
Name of player: H20 and Michael

SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:47229417 and  STEAM_0:1:47455587

Time in GMT: 2:15PM GMT

Server: V2P

Summary: H20 Was Prop Blocking and building in a raid, He was also  Double Dooring. Tools and Prop Rules 3 "Do not propblock anything, there should be a keypad or button to reach the area/items." Michael was basing as a BMD as you can see from the doors and TAB menu. Job Rules 5 "You cannot raid as a Doctor, Chef, Gundealer, BMD, Taxi driver, or Security guard. For any of these jobs you cannot base with rebels, corleones, or any other group of specific people. Do not make a contra base as any of these jobs as the purpose of these jobs is to provide a service for the city, not lock themselves in a room and "contra whore"." H20 also had floating cameras witch violates the Tools and Props Rules 10 "All your constructions must be supported. This means no floating constructions. H20 Also was spawning props when I had started to raid, this violates the Tools and Props Rule 12 "Do not spawn props during a combat situation. IE: Baricades for defence or offence, new structures."


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Ban Request On H20 and Michael - by - 10-28-2014, 02:38 PM

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