A Second Chance
Your name: Synyster , G3n3r1c G4t0r48

Your ban ID: There's quite a few

Banned by: Console, Multiple Staff Members

Reason: "Terms of Service" , Double Accounting , PO's

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: I sent a few PM's to hopefully take care of this in a private manner, but since I am not really getting any response, I'll do it here. My previous account (G3n3r1c G4t0r48) was banned permanently here. I am wondering if you are willing to give me a second chance, on this account. Please hear me out and read all of this message, I would like to explain the permanent bans on this account and G3n3r1c G4t0r48 and explain why I think you'd think it'd be ok to give me a second chance.

First and foremost, I am very sorry for breaking rules and giving my main account so many bans. After being an administrator for over a year on what others would call a "FearlessRP mockup server", Evo RolePlay, I understand the frustration admins here get when people break the rules. It was very frustrating on Evo Roleplay since people would get banned here and go there to minge as well, since it was located in the CityRP gamemode folder on the server browser. Anyways, now with the permanent bans. G3n3r1c was first permanently banned for "Terms of Service." I soon found out it was because I was a part of Evo Roeplay, a server you saw as a competitor. Rain (a former Evo Roleplay admin) was banned for the same reason, but I believe you unbanned him for leaving Evo Roleplay. I have also resigned from Evo Roleplay but that is not why I think you should unban me.

Now for the double accounting ban. You'll have to go with the honor system on this one, as I have no actual proof, but I'm not lying. This account was also banned for double accounting. I had a buddy over and wanted to show him the server, so I used my alt at the time (Synyster) to show him what it is like, in hopes to get him to buy Gmod for himself. After about 1-2 minutes of gameplay on Synyster, we received a permanent ban for double accounting. Hopefully you can trust me on that did really happen.

Now why I think you should unban me. The answer is simple. I grew up. I was an 8th grader - Freshman in high school when I received all those bans. I am now a Junior (11th grade) in high school with good grades and a good, hardwork-filled job. Being an admin on Evo Roleplay showed me how annoying minges are, and the last thing I want to do is join a server and minge for no reason. 

Hopefully you can understand, I would love to play on this server again. It is the only server I know of that doesn't get old after one day of gameplay and people actually RP on it. I understand permanent bans are meant to be permanent and the player should never return, but hope you make an exception for this case. I hope you will see where I am coming from and give me another chance on your server.

                                                                                      ~Jake (Synyster) (G3n3r1c G4t0r48)

Messages In This Thread
A Second Chance - by Synyster - 10-26-2014, 04:40 PM
RE: A Second Chance - by Fultz - 10-27-2014, 01:46 AM
RE: A Second Chance - by Old Man Jokhah - 10-28-2014, 10:45 AM
RE: A Second Chance - by Synyster - 10-30-2014, 07:23 PM
RE: A Second Chance - by Fultz - 11-23-2014, 05:30 PM

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