Banned 1 - 2 Years Ago - Second Chance?
Your name: InfernoHD (Banned With: Im-Beast_123)

Your ban ID: (Website Down) Service unavailable, please try again later

Banned by: Console  

Reason: Hacks

Involved: - 

Why we should unban you: I think i deserve a second chance because, 1, that was 2 years ago when you can almost hack anywhere. 2, I was dumb and i never use hacks anymore nor should I. I know i shouldn't of hacked. But if I could take it back... i would. and another reason why i should have a secod chance is because if i ever hack again, WHICH I WONT! I would be banned again. Then should never... ever unban me. I deserve this because i think ive changed in 2 years and when it comes to hacking. Ive changed alot. Thx for reading!


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Banned 1 - 2 Years Ago - Second Chance? - by Nick123 - 10-19-2014, 07:15 PM

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