To be able to play fearless RP once again
I'm sorry, but I do not believe a single word you just said, and here's why.

I joined the server undercover. Within my first minute, i was AWPed at spawn instantly, WITHOUT any suit on.
I respawned, for then to be instantly tranqed, and AWPed again while tranqed. When i then respawned, I wen't phased,
and I watched for a bit what you and your 2 friends were up to. You were standing on the balcony to the penthouse appartment on v33x,
Shooting and sniping at anything and anyone you could see, including a gun dealer. While I was watching you, you then started shooting
INTO the Nexus at anything moving in there. When I grabbed you and your friends, and asked what you were doing, one of you, not sure if it was you,
gave me the answer "We are raiding".

I see no reason what so ever why I would unban you or your friends, when clearly what you do when you think theres no admin around,
is standing on a rooftop sniping at anyone you can see.

Messages In This Thread
RE: To be able to play fearless RP once again - by Feffe - 10-13-2014, 03:30 PM

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