BR on [FL:RP] Associated and [FL:RP] Ouass
(10-10-2014, 09:11 PM)[FL:RP] Ouass Wrote: He said ''I was not here for this but before'' < This made him a non-witness.
Second, you kept constantly ramming me, which i hope for you you did include it in the video, then i kept honking at you, you kept ramming my bmw with your lambo causing to launch me in the air.
I then got out with an awp aimed on your car and told you its your last warning, you then continued driving as i fired a shot (idk if i hit your car) but you kept driving, then when you realized there were cars in the way you stopped, got out, told me something (which we'll see in the vid), by saying that you broke fearrp as you got in your car and drove off.

I barely remember but i think you said you wasn't afraid.

You also made a 90 degree turn once on the right side of the way which caused me to crash into your car and which made me die, after you changed from corleone to citizen to get your car back quicker.

The 90 degree turn which caused me to crash made me lose my kevlar and an m4.

He said he went off, because we were ''rdming'', so he broke rules because he thinks we did, which is backseat admin.

(10-11-2014, 03:46 PM)freekillercy Wrote: Tell them about the last moments before the video.  You have no reason to warning.  I was following nlr because I didnt knoe what were you doing with a tmp and more guys were shooting too.  So i was going to the house as you csn see and I stoped at the fireshooting to see whst was going on.
And,  when I went back yyou told me to follow you and I dont need to follow your orders so.. You still dont have a reason so rdm kill

Last moments before the video? You are the one making a br, you should have it recorded since u act like u ''just connected'', you reconnected many many times which can be seen in the logs, and fair enough i didn't even mention that u did the last time, thats why i remembered u ramming my car. I never told you to follow me, and if i tell you to follow with gun pointed, you follow me, whatever, you just follow me even if i was rulebreaking.

You can't just, login into v2p, wondering whats going on at the supermarket and just drive there.
Logs will provide that this boy reconnected many times.

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RE: BR on [FL:RP] Associated and [FL:RP] Ouass - by [FL:RP] Ouass - 10-11-2014, 04:23 PM

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