Ban Request - Mr. Law, ThePupils, "Unidentified Civ"
It was HaoHaox3
ID: STEAM_0:0:98087024
I was on the rooftop at the time (I was working with Paradox and Sirwulf, the two good guys with you). I went there as an officer after you had left, I came across Pupils and with my weapon drawn I told him to freeze. He ran into the apartment and drew a weapon and started shooting at me (Failrp and fearrp) and then another person came out of the apartment and both shot me to death. They were not willing to RP but rather just contra and kill farm. I don't have video evidence like this because I don't have a computer that can run a video program while I play without crashing.

TL;DR: I witnessed what happened and the accused had no intention to RP.

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RE: Ban Request - Mr. Law, ThePupils, "Unidentified Civ" - by clayhj - 10-03-2014, 06:40 AM

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