Purple and Black Textures, Error!, Rude Players!
Rude Players - Sorta Solved but why dose no one wanna help me I say Can some one help me please or ask a direct person and say may you help me. In ooc. Am I like in a local channle? Is there a global channle?

Hey I am Recently knew in Garrys mod my igname is Cole Irish and I was asking for help in OOC and talking and no one would help... it's like I was litterally invisible. I don't know how to unlock a car or lock a door...

Purple and black textures - Gonna have to pay more money Wink

1. No clue wtf CS:Soruce is so don't tell me to mount it....
2. I did a valid search in steam and everything was there...
3. Restarted Gmod
4. Wtf Next?

Error! - Again gonna have to pay more money.

I keep seeing error every where! It's very annoying....

Unlock? Picklock? How dose one picklock a car door? Or a Door? - Solved

Items? how the heckdo I get items to make a pistol??? - Solved

Thank you everyone for helping me XD And Screw the people who like to troll!

Thank you everyone I shall pay for the CS Game hopefully its fun. Because I don't like to waste money

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Purple and Black Textures, Error!, Rude Players! - by Cole7771 - 08-08-2011, 06:49 AM

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