BR On Snitser13 and Middelz2
Name of player: snitser13 , Middelz2

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57677516 , STEAM_0:1:25117975

Time in GMT: Not sure.

Server: V33x

Summary: Well as you can see Snitser13 as a cop and Middelz2 killing an Corleone for no reason , the officer ''Snitser13'' runs behind the AMPM and i'm going after ''Middelz2'' to arrest him , hes completly breaking fearRP and being a troll. ''Snitser13'' Gets later on demoted for rdm , he changes hes job to FIREMAN and he CDM 3x .


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BR On Snitser13 and Middelz2 - by Caree - 09-04-2014, 01:52 PM

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