Ban Request On: Treadheead and Granbo
President has been banned for fearRP.

As for the other accused players, I will not banned them.

You randomly decided to "assist" people in kidnapping the President where I'm not even sure if you had a valid RP reason for doing so. You decided to follow armed and dangerous men for no reason and then equip a gun yourself. Not only does this show that YOU are breaking a few rules (failRP included), it also shows that you weren't killed all randomly. You equiped guns while following people who had just broken the law and kidnapped the president. If I was one of the kidnappers then I might have shot you myself. Be glad I didn't ban you for your own evidence.

Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request On: Treadheead and Granbo - by Haazey - 08-27-2014, 11:52 PM
RE: Ban Request On: Treadheead and Granbo - by Enzyme - 08-28-2014, 12:50 AM

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