Bank Menu : George's Suggestion
It's nice, but I think if it was ever implemented a derma menu would most likely be used just like the F1 menu so it fits with the "theme" of the other menus and the hud. I like the concept of the bank/vault being interactive, just without that obnoxious BEEP Smile

That doesn't mean an alternative style couldn't be used on an ATM machine or something before hand though, I just think that the bank menu itself will probably be similar to the other gamemode menus.

Messages In This Thread
Bank Menu : George's Suggestion - by willrogerson - 08-27-2014, 10:18 PM
RE: Bank Menu : George's Suggestion - by Wood - 08-27-2014, 10:23 PM
RE: Bank Menu : George's Suggestion - by Noble - 08-27-2014, 10:35 PM
RE: Bank Menu : George's Suggestion - by Rain - 08-27-2014, 11:50 PM
RE: Bank Menu : George's Suggestion - by Greed^ - 08-28-2014, 08:13 AM

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