Unban Request
Your name: Francesco idee Auditore

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9653074

Banning Admin: Storm

Ban Length: 1 week?

Reason for the ban: "Whining and OCC SPAM"

Why we should unban you:

i got banned for asking a question why i got kicked for caps... instead i get banned for whining.

its like storms got a grudge against me... i obey the rules, so i dont expect getting kicked for accidently leaving my caps button on without realising. Not only that he made threats "1 more whiny lil' comment franc" ...why cant he talk to me maturely and like an adult?

thanks for the ban anyway storm.. it honestly doesn't really bother me getting banned but getting kicked for accidently using "caps" thats what annoys me... then to accuse me of "whining" in the server! wtf man thats low.
Banning me for "whining or even spamming occ" that aint exactly being professional with the admin powers or even being fair to me, considering i was only asking questions why i got kicked because to me it didnt seem like a kick able offence.. he could've just warned me in game anyway all this could've been avoided if he was reasonable and took mature responsibility and answered my questions instead of calling me a whiner and making threats and trying to provoke me.

im sure my friend Dermy can vouch for me too as he was with me at the time and witnessed everything..

anyway as always there're always too sides to a story... and i know you will take storms side over this.. but at least you've heard me out and read my side.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by iDeas - 08-06-2011, 08:18 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Strom - 08-06-2011, 09:09 PM
RE: Unban Request - by s.J. - 08-14-2011, 02:33 AM

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