BR on Trixx [TR]
Thread Title: Ban request on Trixx [TR]

Name of player: Trixx [TR]
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79958546

Time in GMT: 02:00

ServerSadOn which of our servers did it happen? v2d

Summary: Trix Rdmed me x2. First one i didnt get on record because i didnt expect it

Evidence :
[Image: f8f0ed93936736f2ae4c735f1edc05ed.png]

Messages In This Thread
BR on Trixx [TR] - by Ghost - 08-26-2014, 01:10 AM
RE: BR on Trixx [TR] - by Reebs - 08-26-2014, 02:23 AM
RE: BR on Trixx [TR] - by Venom - 08-26-2014, 02:38 AM

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