Ban Request on McHammer and Tripode98
Name of player: McHammer & Tripode98.

SteamID: McHammer [STEAM_0:0:90641391].
Tripode98 [STEAM_0:0:81803996].

Time in GMT: Around 04:20PM, GMT+001.

Server: V2P.

Summary: Basically, Tripode was a gun dealer and I started to attack him after hi punched me. Then, he becomes police sergeant and starts to shoot at me. I lock myself into the hospital for a while and then eventually tie him up. He attempted to shoot me through the wall to no success. I try to tell him to stop, he doesn't listen. When he is tied up, he runs off and suicides by vehicle. This is where his friend, McHammer CDMs him. Basically, Tripode broke NLR, FearRP and suicided to avoid a RP situation. The evidence is below.

[Image: MbKaP7E.png]

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on McHammer and Tripode98 - by James - 08-25-2014, 03:33 PM

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