Ban Request on Badl
I was a witness, on at the same time. However, i do not believe this should lead to a ban. There are 2 reasons behind this.

Reason #1 - User was hosting a Passive RP in the city. A sky restaraunt, which of course due to its location and size had been targeted by minges. Molotovs by Luek led to the building being engulfed in flames. Users were spamming buttons for the elevator, etc.. and that is why he chose to rebuild it without buttons. Simply because the players were unable to have respect for him and his RP that he was trying to conduct.

[Image: 83C84AFAA23571D5E3171DC7510BE44863E3E3A3]

And in order to get a grasp of the minge-level of the server... here is another picture,

[Image: 48F07766F74CB17B7B67DA8FC591B2CDD2C998B0]

Reason #2 - User was cooperative in moving the building after i spoke with him. He understood that he would get in trouble if he kept it but i got him to gladly move it to the Lake, where he can conduct his Passive RP without people targetting him.

[Image: DDB17BDA8A7B27C45328FB78580625AD3012646A]

[Image: 756E0BD833BF4EB026F717B8C32F71142D6AB037]


[Image: 91334BEAF7FAB0E13CD71159C5F2DC85DB503D38]

Informing players and allowing they to make the right decisions is what we need to do. Not post Ban Requests on them.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on Badl - by Coded Brain - 08-22-2014, 10:18 PM
RE: Ban Request on Badl - by Nevy - 08-22-2014, 10:34 PM
RE: Ban Request on Badl - by Badl - 08-22-2014, 11:01 PM
RE: Ban Request on Badl - by GeorgeTheBoy - 08-23-2014, 07:53 AM

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