Ban Request- armagedon662
Hello, I would enjoy to see the player "armagedon662" ban for some time. For the reason: Me as a gun dealer I was around and the player armagedon662 comes up to me and ask to buy TWO mp5's I say very well on mic telling him it will be 6,000$ he pays me. From that I ask him to let me buy the shipment, As I bought it he came up and stole all FIVE Mp5's off the ground and as I asked for them back he said it was my fault and he was in the clear. I have pictures as well.

[Image: 594692996043844662?tab=all] - This is the player as a security guard.

[Image: 594692996043843415?tab=all] -The player mocking me saying its my falt.

I think the Fearless RP server would be much better without scamers,theifs, And crooks.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request- armagedon662 - by ImMad_Bro - 08-05-2011, 11:01 AM

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