The Codfathers Unban Request.
Your name: The Codfather STEAM_0:1:60085177

Your ban ID: 51363

Banned by: KPred

Reason: Homophobic Insults

Involved: No-one

Why we should unban you: I have been playing on this server for an extremely long time for the short period I have been playing on.
in the first 4 days I have acquired a tally of 45 hours. and by the second day I have donated.
I would not intentionally Insult a homosexual, as I believe that everyone is equal no matter what decisions they make, I have many friends that are homosexuals Including some of my best friends.
It was not meant to be "homophobic" more of an insult I admit this is wrong I just want to clarify that I was not meaning for this to hurt anyone's feeling seeing as this word has been taken for granted. I hate bullying in fact I am a bullying ambassador
in the place I come from.
Meaning I take time out of my day to prevent such things as I have said
I didnt mean to say this, It was on the tip of my tongue and I was looking for words to say as an "insult" this word came out.
I believe my banned should be shortened not lifted as I still deserve some sort of ban for what I said.
I am not a homophobic man and I hate the word itself, and I did not realize what I
said the adrenaline of the raid made it hard for me to contradict what I was saying.
I am sincerely sorry for what I have caused and am truly disappointed with myself
I have my head in my hands as we speak in consolidation.
I will never do this sort of thing ever again.

Sincerely Sam (The Codfather)

Messages In This Thread
The Codfathers Unban Request. - by The Codfather - 07-26-2014, 08:49 PM
RE: The Codfathers Unban Request. - by Floodify - 07-26-2014, 09:41 PM

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