Ban request on Whats That & [PD]Logic_
(07-26-2014, 06:22 PM)CommanderBro Wrote:
Quote:So, you admit breaking NLR? Nice.

I dont understand what you want to achieve...If i broke NLR i broke it cause you killed me with melons and i tried to get you. You seems very angry there and you are tryiing to ban me cause i broke poor litlle NLR to get your minging....Bro, dont try Smile. If i wouldnt break NLR i wouldnt get you. End of the story. The story is that i dont know if i broke nlr anyway there cause i didnt watched video since first time i made

"You seem very angry"
I'm not going to continue any conversations with someone who's going to imply he can read emotions through words and also not guess correctly.

Also this is turning into a "My dad is stronger than your dad" discussion.
Drop it and let the admins decide.

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RE: Ban request on Whats That & [PD]Logic_ - by Scout - 07-26-2014, 07:02 PM

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