Toffee Waffle Ban Appeal
Your name: Toffee_Waffle

Your ban ID: No. 51275

Banned by: Ban logs display as [FL] Shadow

Reason: Disrespect over admin chat

Involved: No one for this ban was involved except for me.

Why we should unban you: I got frustrated after people RDA'ing me (apparently some people doesn't know what that means, so maybe why they wouldn't stop) so I called Admins over the admin chat, about 10 minutes later I was STILL asking. There were clearly admins on if I got banned by one that was on. I called them lazy and cunts, I only wanted their attention to help. But at that moment in time they weren't staff as they clearly only wanted the perks, as they would not help.

When joining and in !MOTD (I realise that this isn't accessed) it says staff will "do their best" to help us, but none of them even tried. They all ignored the situation and the majority of them were useless (no offense).

I apologise for my lack of respect, but that was disgraceful. You are staff for a reason, you have to help. CityRP is extremely fun for me, as their are rarely any rule breakers and full of roleplaying experiences. I know it's only a 4-5 day ban, but I really can't stand anymore time away from the server, it is truly epic. However atleast some of us have to agree that some of the server admins are inactive and unhelpful, an example of the one that banned me, Shadow.

Rhetorical Question: Why'd you ignore my call for help, Shadow? If you weren't in that staff position and was in with my problem, I'm sure you'd get frustrated too.
You should've atleast came to me and asked what the problem was, even though I repeatedly stated over @.

-Toffee Heart

Messages In This Thread
Toffee Waffle Ban Appeal - by theRydolph - 07-25-2014, 11:32 AM
RE: Toffee Waffle Ban Appeal - by Enzyme - 07-25-2014, 02:15 PM

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