Ban request on Whats That & [PD]Logic_
Alot of what you just said are lies, 1. You took out a gun and gunned me down, 2. I wasn't certain about the car. 3.I did shoot at you, I'm unsure if it's in the screenshot, but you did fire first, my health is evidence of my damage. 4. You hadn't spoken a word the entire time. 4. If I broke fearrp then you would have your gun out first, you what you basically just said means I didn't shoot at you first, so you are lieing? I did taze you + cuff and I apologise for that, although it didn't matter for me, as someone flung a prop and killed me directly after your taze, But it wasn't backseat for proppushing, you had shot at me, I was just following you at first before you opened fire. Anyways, screenshots can't capture movement, so I couldn't show the melon did kill me, however it did. I also hadn't tazed anyone else (adding on your backseat claim).
I can't make anyone belive me by saying this, but I'll only speak the truth (unless i'm joking about something sarcastically/etc) and you can ban me if I lie. I wont.
I will say though you are VERY good at making things up, you should work as a spy or something. O: Lawyer possibly? Who knows. ALSO, If that attempted CDM wasn't attempted at all, can you drive more carefully?

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RE: Ban request on Whats That & [PD]Logic_ - by InTheBeef - 07-25-2014, 01:00 AM

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