Unban Request - Crysbaby
Your name: crysbaby`Army

Your ban ID: 51269

Banned by: [FL] Shadow

Reason: PropBlocking,FailRP

Involved: There 2 there and a admin they told him that its propblock and they just went and I didnt see their names

Why we should unban you: I built contra and I made a fading door with a keypad inside and outside the base, the admin came and told me that's propblock because there is no keypad and I showed him the keypad, the keypad was 1 floor down from the fading door and he told me the keypad must be near the fading door and I told him that there is no such a rule in any roleplay server that the keypad must be near the door I didnt put it far far away from the door it was just 1 floor down.
Here is the rule : "Do not propblock anything, there should be a keypad or button to reach the area/items." so there was a keypad it was 1 floor down and the admin didnt accept it because he said it must be near the door and after i showed him the keypad he just banned me,Also he told me that its forbidden to base as Gundealer,well another admin saw me building base and demoted me for the reason that im not selling guns so I told him I will finish my base and the contra and Ill sell and he told me that he taught that im basing just for fun and he told me that I can go back as GD. Im sure 100% that was unfair ban and I didnt break any rule.

Thanks in advance,

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - Crysbaby - by Perfect - 07-24-2014, 04:05 PM
RE: Unban Request - Crysbaby - by Shadow - 07-25-2014, 03:53 AM

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