Ban Request
Ban Request on Gamer464

Name of player: Dmat

SteamID: Sorry but I do not know how I can find it

Time in GMT: 21.07.2014 ~4:00 PM

Server: evocity_v33x

Summary: I was playing as a citizen on your fearless Server when Dmat random hostaging me as a citizen. Then I killed him because he wanted to kill me. After that he broke the NLR, came back as a Police officer and random taze me and handcuffed me. Then he arrested me without reason and I died in the Jail in the gas chamber.
I hope you can ban him because he broke many rules. He also destroyed my roleplay fun in this moment.

Evidence: I got screenshoot from the story, but I sadly do not know how I can show you that here. I have got a moderator named [FL:M] Burnett in my friendship list. I can upload the screenshoots and he can see what had happened. Do you got other ideas?

Thank you for your attention!

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request - by Gamer464 - 07-21-2014, 04:32 PM
RE: Ban Request - by Burnett - 07-21-2014, 07:52 PM
RE: Ban Request - by Gamer464 - 07-22-2014, 05:03 PM
RE: Ban Request - by Fultz - 07-22-2014, 05:04 PM

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