Ban Request On thebambiman and CH33SEB4LLS
thebambiman, Ch33SEB4LLS and some other guy have been breaking every rule in the book (LITERALLY). In this game I just had he was RDMing, Random lockpicking, Breaking NLR, Breaking FearRP, Propblocking (that was Ch33seB4lls). They have been horrific and need a ban on them urgently, they also CDMd and lots and lots of other rule breaking things including Homophobic language (I believe, he said bugger off which I'm very certain is a phrase refering to gays). Either way, BAN THEM PLEASE (I'm suffering here)

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RE: Ban Request On thebambiman and CH33SEB4LLS - by InTheBeef - 07-21-2014, 07:48 PM

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