I Derserve a second chance - Im-Beast_123 Unban Request

Your name: [HEX]Im-Beast_123

Your ban: 48780

Banned by: Consel

Reason: Hacks

Involed: ME

Why i should be unbanned: Because i didnt really use hacks, i joined the server with sv_allowcslua on. I was hacking on A private hamaichi server trolling my friend aimboting, Forgot to turn allowlua off. So i guess i didnt harm anyone with hacks on CityRP because i didnt play with hacks. Yes i use hacks but i still didn't really use the hacks on CityRP. But even if i was to go on the server and just hack, i would be banned. Please give me a second chance. Cheese


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I Derserve a second chance - Im-Beast_123 Unban Request - by Nick123 - 07-12-2014, 09:30 PM

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