Ban Request on Deno and qazcake
Your first screenshots failed to show the rather conspicuous surveillance truck parked across the road from our base Cheese Was this omission intentional? Probably. The fact you were spying on us from a white van makes the allegations that we random raided you sound ludicrous. Also, I tried to explain this to you but you seemed to have trouble understanding. People shout raid not to seem more menacing or 'realistic'. It's to inform the other player that they have been put into an RP situation that they may not have been aware of due to the nature of a 'raid'. Hence, LOOC is typically used to inform them, as in real life you don't often hear people shouting raid (for example, if you were RPing an SS secret raid on a property you would still have to shout RAID in LOOC even though it may not seem realistic. It's for the benefit of the other player so they know this is an RP situation, not some random mingebag getting their hands on a gun).

Our raid on your surveillance truck was therefore not random. I'm sure many police officers as well as rebels could back up the veracity of this. Secondly I admit to abusing the 'ammo bug' although at the time I hadn't been made aware this was actually against the rules. I thought at the time it was just a rather fortuitous error in the LUA script. Now to the time when we tranquilised you again. This time I used tranquiliser darts as you're supposed to. I'm not even going to bother explaining why you got yourself into the situation of being tranquilised, you know perfectly well the chain of events leading up to that, and trying to claim it was random is absurd. I suspect you just threw these screenshots up in a fit of rage. If you'd also included another 20 screenshots before that depicting my friend following you, then asking you to stop, then leading you towards industrial where I had been waiting, this wouldn't seem anywhere near as random to the readers of this thread.

I hope any concerned admins take this guy's claims with a good pinch of salt - he is after all the guy who CDMed me earlier today, he seems to have somthing personal against me, and any time he got involved with us there was always an admin called over with him trying to claim some breach of the rules on our part.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on Deno and qazcake - by Visual - 07-29-2011, 05:47 PM
RE: Ban Request on Deno and qazcake - by Deno - 07-29-2011, 06:14 PM
RE: Ban Request on Deno and qazcake - by todcat - 07-30-2011, 06:05 AM
RE: Ban Request on Deno and qazcake - by Flame - 07-30-2011, 06:32 AM

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