Ban request: Atomic Buttplug - Failrp, Mic Spam
Name of player:
Atomic Buttplug


Time in GMT:
20:25 - PM


So Atomic Buttplug was a "DJ". He was running around evocity and playing a rap peace to everybody. When he came over to us just playing it with no item i told him to cut it off and that i was mic spamming. He told me it wasnt since his job name was DJ. Shortly he ran off.

Several seconds he came back with a old radio lifted by his psy gun and threw infront of us on the ground. We told him that this is no club and this is no DJ but since he had a radio he could spam as much as he pleased.

He went purposely over to us with the radio and played the music to annoy us. It did indeed provoke us and we went to the limit. He ruined our roleplay as officers so now we choose to use some time on a ban request instead.


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Messages In This Thread
Ban request: Atomic Buttplug - Failrp, Mic Spam - by Bowiii - 07-05-2014, 06:33 PM

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