Ban Request on Avi3ator & FuzzyWuzzy
It's clear that both players were outnumbered and were Fail RP'ing by taking out guns and knifes around cops and in the middle of the street regardless of whether or not Fear RP was broken. I have no evidence of mic spam, nor of Failure to Fear RP, therefore I cannot ban them for that. Although, both players are blatantly Fail RP'ing and Fuzzy is also hostaging/threatening an officer because of an arrested friend, which is against the rules.

Final verdict:
Fuzzy - 1w : Ban for Fail RP and Random hostage (Cannot hostage/threaten because of an arrested friend)
Avi3ator - 3d : Fail RP


Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on Avi3ator & FuzzyWuzzy - by equal - 07-04-2014, 02:58 AM
RE: Ban Request on Avi3ator & FuzzyWuzzy - by Vauld - 07-04-2014, 11:31 PM

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