Secound chance NEW_HeroXD
I posted the ban request on him and it got approved.

Before this incident you where minting as well, you knifed a unarmed AFK citizen in the street, I asked you why you did so and you completely ignored me. You didn't drum once but twice! I have no clue if this was the works of your friend but either way you should not let him touch your PC while you are on fearless because he can clearly not control his shooting finger.

It's your account, your computer and your responsibility to not let stuff like this happened.

Messages In This Thread
Secound chance NEW_HeroXD - by NEW_HeroXD - 07-04-2014, 05:55 PM
RE: Secound chance NEW_HeroXD - by Bowiii - 07-04-2014, 06:34 PM
RE: Secound chance NEW_HeroXD - by NEW_HeroXD - 07-04-2014, 06:37 PM
RE: Secound chance NEW_HeroXD - by Bowiii - 07-04-2014, 07:21 PM
RE: Secound chance NEW_HeroXD - by Flame - 07-04-2014, 07:22 PM

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