Fixed used template... Venom
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A terrible admin for the server. I have been playing a lot recently, all of the other admins are nice and fair to other players but [FL] Venom on the other hand... Do you really want [FL] Venom as an admin? An admin is supposed to be a rolemodel to other players but he is in a group on steam called "BossNiggasOnly". I am really offended by this as I am a black male myself. 16 year old's should not be admins with this kind of responsibility as Venom has no clue on the rules of the server.

Thanks for reading...


P.S I used the template now!

Messages In This Thread
Fixed used template... Venom - by Jamie123 - 07-03-2014, 07:13 PM
RE: Fixed used template... Venom - by Venom - 07-03-2014, 07:15 PM

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