Ban Request: [FL] Venom
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A terrible admin for the server. I have been playing a lot recently, all of the other admins are nice and fair to other players but [FL] Venom on the other hand... Do you really want [FL] Venom as an admin? An admin is supposed to be a rolemodel to other players but he is in a group on steam called "BossNiggasOnly". I am really offended by this as I am a black male myself. 16 year old's should not be admins with this kind of responsibility as Venom has no clue on the rules of the server.

Thanks for reading...


Messages In This Thread
Ban Request: [FL] Venom - by Jamie123 - 07-03-2014, 07:08 PM
RE: Ban Request: [FL] Venom - by Venom - 07-03-2014, 07:09 PM

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