My feelings towards the admins (this is a provoking title)
Honestly, all though I was the one banend for nothing, I agree. It wasn't just this one instance either. I've seen people get banned for CDM when it was one single accident, or CDM when a person ran into the road, or RDM when someone was protecting themselves but the admin didn't give a chance for them to explain it, and I've seen admins not ban people for stuff that was definitely banable. Look, nothing is perfect and there will be mistakes, that is why these forums are here, to correct issues like that (and for interesting conversation but thats not important right now). I understand all that but like Milkdudz said, this could be the best RP server in Gmod without any competition. But, you guys are ranked 4th when you should be ranked 1st if it weren't some admin problems. I know technically this should be in admin abuse pages, but it isn't really about admin abuse it is just about general harshness. I think that if the admins gave people a chance to prove themselves or to show what really happened, instead of making them go onto the forums and post unban requests the server could be ALOT better. I, honestly, think that is the ONE problem with the server. I think that other than that the server is perfect but the general harshness is a little much. If an admin looks at this, I understand if you get angry and respond angrily, but just think, how many bans have you made that could have been stopped or something. All I want is for the admins to think, and maybe fix what has been going on.

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RE: My feelings toward sthe admins - by minimstrb - 07-29-2011, 04:53 AM

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