Ban request, Fail rp
Ban Request on <Ozit Sandman>

SteamID: (STEAM_0:1:61307587)

Time in GMT: (9:20ish)


Summary: (I had just logged onto the server and drove round to slums, on my way past the nexus, i saw a cop (Ozit Sandman) randomly shooting at the ceiling, and four people were watching. After i had taken a few pictures, the cop chaced me and then tazed me. He said "I was just testing" I personly think this is fail rp. Also, about 10 minutes later, i found him and a few other people hitting someone who was Afk. Thank you.

Im not sure if this link works, try this one

UPDATE About 5 minutes after this, i found that he was being chased by a cop after stabbing someone, and stepping on their body.,7joa6mV#1

Messages In This Thread
Ban request, Fail rp - by Cinimod101 - 06-27-2014, 08:40 AM
RE: Ban request, Fail rp - by Enzyme - 06-27-2014, 11:55 PM

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