Ban Request on [FL:RP] IndestructibleCupcake & Laser Shark
Name of player: [FL:RP] IndestructibleCupcake & Laser Shark

[FL:RP] IndestructibleCupcake: STEAM_0:0:37843346
Laster Shark: STEAM_0:1:80109777

Time in GMT: 9:43:15 PM-‏‎9:44:23 PM GMT+2

Server: v2p

Summary: I tried arresting the gun dealer for shooting with illegal weaponry, and his friend, [FL:RP] IndestructibleCupcake, continued to force me into a cafe, followed by 'executing' me in there, because I tried to arrest his friend, Laser Shark.


Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on [FL:RP] IndestructibleCupcake & Laser Shark - by Joykill - 06-26-2014, 08:04 PM

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