Unban Request
1. Name: Kirov
2. Ban ID: 49639
3. Banner: [FL] Fultz
4. Reason: Player Disrespect/FailRP
5. Involved : SRU(don't remember names) and a citizen woman.
6. Why I should be unbanned: Well I was faulty accused. So player disrespect: We were roleplaying that I was the presidents hooker and that the other citizen woman was his wife. She started swearing at me to move my "whore ass" so I assumed we were RPing and the SRU were already roleplaying. So she said somethings to me I said something back. Then the SRU Tazed both me and the woman and put me in jail so, "it would go faster to see the president." Then on multiple occasions they kept stealing my cars and twice they destroyed it.. and for the FailRP the president his SRU and cops were all driving trucks and I was driving my mustang, mind you im not a very good driver because I don'y have the best computer, so I lagged and hit a tides truck and the SRU got out and started spraying me and my car, not saying why after i asked in OOC when i was dead. so after 5 minutes i went and got my car and went to drive my car back because it had low HP and when i got in the tides truck "train" as they called it came back around and they hit me putting my car on fire and throwing me out injured. They then said wow nice FailRP, OH and NLR and I told them my 5 minutes was up and I was just getting my car. They then responded and said you tried to kill the president for no reason and breaking our RP train, then shot me in the head.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by SuperSurma - 06-19-2014, 07:23 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Fultz - 06-22-2014, 01:55 AM

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